Friday, November 18, 2011

The Sandwich Generation

I wanted to share this article from Safety Daily Advisor as I know that we have alot of employees in the "Sandwich Generation" that may find this interesting!

Many middle-aged Americans find themselves caring for two generations: their children, both young kids and young adults, and their elderly parents. This situation is caused by three trends that are listed in "Why It Matters." One of the most frustrating issues in caring for growing kids and aging parents is managing their independence levels. Both groups fluctuate between wanting to be independent and needing assistance and security from the middle-aged adult.

Give your workers these strategies for managing three generations in one household:
  • Set up house rules. Include household responsibilities for all family members. Establish schedules and assign chores. Also work out space arrangements and quiet time.
  • Revisit rules regularly. Get family members together to talk about how the arrangements are working, and be flexible to changing situations. Encourage the generations to respect one another’s experiences and values.
  • Set up a financial plan. Include income from all household members, and assign responsibilities for paying expenses. Help teens establish independence by taking on financial responsibility. Help seniors retain independence by letting them continue to pay bills.
  • Help young adults transition from kids to renters. Set up a plan akin to a renter’s agreement outlining the financial obligations of young adults living at home. Let them know that while they’ll always be your kids, they are now legal adults who need to begin supporting themselves.
  • Respect privacy. Elderly parents and young adults should have their own rooms, telephones, and televisions, if possible.
  • Take care of yourself. Make time for yourself, your spouse, and your friends. If you burn out, everyone loses.
In addition, use these caregiving resources. You need to remember that you're not alone, and you shouldn’t hesitate to use the help that is available at these resources:
  • National Family Caregivers Association at or 800-896-3650 celebrates 18 years of speaking up for family caregivers in 2011.
  • National Alliance for Caregiving at includes publications, resources, events, and legislative updates.
  • Eldercare at is a noncommercial site with essays on "Home Care vs. Retirement Homes" and "Assisted Living."
  • Eldercare Locator at or 800-677-1116 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET; this service from the U.S. Administration on Aging connects users to state and local resources.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Denim Day is 11/18/2011

Donate $1 to Breast Cancer Research at or give to your manager or the HR Department and you can wear pink and denim tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Health Insurance, Dental, Vision, and Life-- Time to make any changes!

Interested in insurance but want to learn more?  Carry our insurance but need to make some changes?

It's just about Open Enrollment Time.  This means the one time of year you can make any changes necessary to your insurance plans, or enroll for the first time.  We will be distributing information regarding rates and how to sign up to the stores soon, so please be aware this information is coming.  In addition, we'll have Colonial representatives visiting each store to discuss and sign you up for ALL THE BENEFITS (not just Colonial).

Start thinking about any changes you want to make and please email me any questions regarding insurance at or post them on Facebook on the Ricker's Superstars Wall.